Serbian Online Courses

Learn Serbian on your own whenever and wherever you want.

Serbian Online Courses | Belgrade Language School |

Check Out Our Serbian Online Courses For Self-Study:

learn serbian in belgrade quickly

Serbian Upper Beginner Course (A1.2)

Serbian Online Courses | Belgrade Language School |

Lesson Videos

All of our Serbian online courses for self-study are carefully designed to help you learn Serbian on your own in a structured way. In over 40 lesson videos, your teacher Emilija will guide you through all the topics and explain difficult language learning concepts in a clear and concise way. 

Serbian exercises

Exercises and Games

It is hard to learn a language without practicing it. That is why we have custom created over 150 exercises per course to give you all the practice you need to master the Serbian language. But do not think that you will get some boring old school exercises. In our courses, you will find many language learning games which will make your learning both fun and addicting.

Serbian Online Courses | Belgrade Language School |

2 Years Access

It takes around two months to complete a full course. However, we have decided to give you 2 years access, just in case you need some extra time. 

Serbian Online Courses | Belgrade Language School |

Serbian Videos With English Subtitles

To learn to speak Serbian properly, it is important that you are exposed to the language and that you listen to it as much as possible. Therefore, we have recorded the videos in Serbian and added English subtitles to all of them. This way, you can understand everything perfectly, but you can also practice your listening skills and pick up important phrases on the go.

Serbian Online Courses | Belgrade Language School |

7 Day Money Back Guarantee

We are 100% sure that you will love our courses. Therefore, we are giving you a 7 day money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with the course after going through the content, you can ask us for a refund and we will reimburse you the full amount. No questions asked. 

What Our Students Say About Us

I've been taking Serbian Language lessons with Belgrade Language School for a few weeks now and I am really pleased with my overall experience. I feel that I've progressed so quickly. Igor, Ema and Marija are all very responsive, professional and attentive. I appreciate that feedback is often sought from me. When I started, they assessed my level, asked what my goals are and my expectations which they used to tailor my learning. They have excellent systems in place for booking lessons, email reminders and payment that allows me to pay in my local currency. Marija is an excellent teacher. Always punctual, prepared and explains complex concepts well. Lessons are conducted via Zoom, materials are shared with me in advance, and all their high quality lesson materials are presented to me via google drive. Everything is so organised. Thank you team, I'm looking forward to reaching my goals. More power to you all!
BLS helped me improve my Serbian A LOT. Much better than the IRL courses I found. They are very professional and service minded. The lessons are so much fun with amazing teachers. It’s also very flexible and you can choose how much homework you have and if you want to learn more grammar or simply have a conversation. All levels welcome. I warmly recommend this school to everyone! Serbian is also a very cool and beautiful language to learn 🙂
The team at Belgrade Language School truly care about your learning experience. The teachers are amazing and the administration is open to ideas for tailoring your lesson plans to your unique needs. I am amazed at how much I have learned in a short period of time. Kudos also for their website, which is easy to navigate.
I'm so glad I made the decision to start taking formal Serbian lessons, as I've been married to a Serb for 8 years now, living in America and trying to teach myself, and making very little progress. Now I'm way more confident speaking, reading, listening, and having conversations, and I can't wait to get back to Serbia so I can impress everyone with my skills! Marija is a wonderful teacher and everyone at BLS is really friendly and caring towards their students. The classes are affordable and flexible to your schedule, and Marija has gone above and beyond with making me extra worksheets, homework, and exercises tailored to my specific needs. The conversation classes are also a cool way to keep practicing in an even cheaper/quicker format. For me, I really want my daughter to speak and understand Serbian so she can have a strong relationship with her family in Serbia, and also for myself to be able to chat with my mother-in-law and everyone over there. This is definitely helping me achieve my goals! I highly recommend BLS to anyone wanting to learn this very difficult but beautiful language! Hvala puno! 🙂

Frequently Asked Questions

We accept all main types of credit and debits cards. We do not accept PayPal or wire transfers. 

No. You buy the course once and receive full access. There are no hidden charges or recurring fees.

Yes, you can watch the lessons and solve the exercises on any device: computer, phone, or tablet.

The course is recorded mainly in Serbian with some sections in English. We did this to give you the opportunity to practice your listening skills from the very beginning. However, we have manually added English subtitles to all videos, so you can understand everything that is said. If English is not your main language, you can autotranslate the subtitles to any language you want.

Yes, the subtitles are written in English but you can autotranslate them to any language you want!

Yes. After purchasing the course, you will be able to watch all videos and solve all exercises and games as many times as you want.


Yes. All of our courses have a 7 day money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with the course after going through the content, you can ask us for a refund and we will reimburse you the full amount. No questions asked. Depending on your location, there might be a 1-3% transaction fee on the reimbursement.